Dake Bible Discussion BoardThe gospel verses the truth - Acts 16

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Re: The gospel verses the truth - Acts 16

Post by macca »

Anything we hear, read, watch from any one even the most respected of God's people, if it takes faith away from you it is not of God.

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Re: The gospel verses the truth - Acts 16

Post by luchnia »

macca wrote:Anything we hear, read, watch from any one even the most respected of God's people, if it takes faith away from you it is not of God.
Macca, there is so much truth in this and it is so overlooked. You can go back and look at many of the doctrines preached and if you are not an avid student and well grounded in God's word you will grow in faith of what is not biblical.

I will never forget all the years I heard the preaching about the depraved nature and how you could never be anything and always a slug full of sin and how Paul taught this and so on. I would hear the preaching on chapter 7 of Romans and never once hear anything else. I knew I was doomed to torments.

Once I started reading God's word and found that the book of Romans had a chapter 8, it changed my life and my understanding. All I could think was why didn't those that preached where I went preach the next chapter? I realized I was not receiving the whole truth of the matter in the context it was delivered. I had never been taught chapter 8!

The path of growing faith without the foundation to discern what many preach is a path to destruction. I see it all the time and my heart is saddened by it. The more you hear and study the Word of God I think you will find this to be true.

It took a while for me to peel away that faith that was embedded in that false teaching. Unlearning faith in falsehood is challenging and one has to be open to do so or they become hardened. You become extremely bias toward the wrong teachings.

This is why it is very dangerous to listen to men and women preach unless you are extremely well grounded and can throw out the chaff and grab the nuggets. Faith will come with what you hear, but one must take heed what they hear or the leaven may grow.

Maybe this is why the teachers are judged more harshly. I heard a man just the other day teaching that God forces you to do things and he said God told him what to say and that God forced him to say it. He even went as far as to say that God forced him to love God. He was fully persuaded of this (probably grew this faith under some false preacher/teacher).

He was ignorant, hardened, unteachable, un-reproveable, and had no clue of the false doctrines he was teaching. Instead of trying to help him come out of it, you would be better off watching paint dry. He may not convert many, yet if one grows in faith of his message they will become his student and learn false doctrine and be deceived. I know what Paul was dealing with when he would have to walk away from folks that were hardened.

Word up!
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Re: The gospel verses the truth - Acts 16

Post by macca »

The faith I was signifying is that faith which God has given to each believer, "the measure of faith" Rom.12:3;
Now seeing that this faith comes from God who is a Spirit and of a necessity must reside in our spirits, as God communicates
with our spirits, not our bodies, not our minds.....for we are a spirit being living in a body having a soul/mind.
1 Thes. 5:23; Phil. 1:22-24;
So this faith comes by hearing and hearing and hearing the Word of God, Rom.10:17;
Jesus states very plainly in John. 6:63; It is the Spirit that gives life, the flesh profits nothing.
The WORDS that I speak to you are spirit and they are life.

The faith that people have in other people and what they teach and preach outside of the Word of God is just plain
human faith, head faith that everyone has.
Like our faith the sun will rise in the east or anything else we do without thinking.

The God kind of faith is in the spirit of man and needs the food of the word of God to survive and grow and without it we cannot please God.

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Re: The gospel verses the truth - Acts 16

Post by bibleman »

macca wrote:The faith I was signifying is that faith which God has given to each believer, "the measure of faith" Rom.12:3;
Now seeing that this faith comes from God who is a Spirit and of a necessity must reside in our spirits, as God communicates
with our spirits, not our bodies, not our minds.....for we are a spirit being living in a body having a soul/mind.
1 Thes. 5:23; Phil. 1:22-24;
So this faith comes by hearing and hearing and hearing the Word of God, Rom.10:17;
Jesus states very plainly in John. 6:63; It is the Spirit that gives life, the flesh profits nothing.
The WORDS that I speak to you are spirit and they are life.

The faith that people have in other people and what they teach and preach outside of the Word of God is just plain
human faith, head faith that everyone has.
Like our faith the sun will rise in the east or anything else we do without thinking.

The God kind of faith is in the spirit of man and needs the food of the word of God to survive and grow and without it we cannot please God.

God bless
Leon Bible


The fault in Bible complications is not with God or the Bible, but with men who refuse to believe what God says and think we have to interpret what He says in order to get the meaning. Dake Bible -Mark 11:17 note
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