Dake Bible Discussion Board100% God, 100% man

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Re: 100% God, 100% man

Post by Ironman »

Theos. This is the Greek word for "God" and is used 1,332 times in the New testament. It means Deity and God and with the definate article means the Supreme Deity. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost are all called God.

Kurios. This is the Greek word for "Lord" and is used 627 times in the New Testament. It means Lord, Master, and Sir and is used of man 31 times.

Iesous. This is the Greek word for "Jesus" 979 times in the New Testament. It is the Greek form of the hebrew Yehowshua, rendered "Joshua" 215 times in the New Testament. Joshua of the Old Testament is called "Jesus" in the New Testament in Acts 7:45; Heb. 4:8. Jesus is never the name of the Father, or of the Spirit in either Testament, and it was not the name of the second person of the Godhead until He became man, and the Son of God about 1900 years ago. It is the human name of the Son of God.

Christos. This is the Greek word which we translate "Christ," and it is used 575 times in the New Testament. It literally means anointed and is the equivalent of the Hebrew MASHIYACH, translated "Messiah" twice in the Old Testament (Dan. 9:24-26) and twice in the New testament (John 1:41; 4:25). Like the name Jesus, it has no reference to Deity, but to the humanity of Jesus Christ, who became the Christ or the Anointed One thirty years after He was born in a human body and after He was named "Jesus".

Other names apart from those mentioned above of God's Son were not all true of Him until He assumed these titles. For example, He had to become man before He could be called the Son of man, the Son of God, Jesus Christ, Lord Jesus Christ, Messiah, Emmanuel, Son of David, the Lion of the Tribe of Juda, the Lamb of God, Mediator, and many other names. Two passages (Gal. 3:17; 1 Peter 1:11) are used by some to teach that "Christ" was a name of Jesus back in the Old testament times, but apon examination of them we find this is not the case. The phrase "in Christ"in Gal. 3:17 is omitted in the texts and was added by some transcriber. It is not in the R. V., Weymouth, Century Translatiuon, Concordent Version, Nestle's Greek Text, Moffatt, and many other translations. The second passage must be understood in the light of what Peter would naturally say about Jesus after He became the Christ, or the anointed of God. In referring to actions of the second person of the Trinity in Old Testament times one may speak of Christ doing them, but in reality He was not the Christ in Old Testament times when He did them. At that time He was God but not the Son of God or the Anointed of God. Now, since He became man and "Christ" this name could be used of Him in speaking of something He did before He became the Anointed One.

The Father, The Son, and the Holy Ghost (Matt. 28:19; 1 John 5:7-8).
Some people teach that these are not names and they are mere titles, but such teaching demonstrates ignorance of human language and contradicts the Word of God. Our dictionaries and grammars call such words "nouns" or "substantives" and say that all such nouns are names. It is true that not all such are always "proper names," or names of certain individuals. But usage in any particular instance shows whether a word becomes a "proper name' or not; that is applied as a name to a certain person. In Matt. 28:19 it is not just any father or any son or any ghost, but it is is definately "Father" and "Son" and "Holy Ghost." The definate article"the" is used both in the Greek and English versions before each word. It is "the Father," and "the Son," and "the Holy Ghost." These terms thus used and associated can apply to no other person on Earth or in Heaven.

The term "the Father" in the New Testament is not once applied to men or the Christ or to the Holy Ghost, but only and always to the first person of the Godhead, "the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ."

The term "the Son in the New testament is not once applied to men or to "the Father" or to "the Holy Ghost," but always to the second person of the Godhead, "the Son of the Father,"

The term "the Holy Ghost" is not once applied to men, or to "the Father," or to "the Son," but only and always to the third person of the Godhead who proceeds from "the Father," and "the Son."

The fact that these termes are always spelled with capital letters like proper names proves that they are proper names in Scripture and that it was the consensus of all Bible scholars that these terms are true proper names.

Dont thank me, thank Finis Jennings Dake, He got it right.

Galatians 4: 16, Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?

Re: 100% God, 100% man

Post by brodave »

:angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel:
Ironman wrote:Theos. This is the Greek word for "God" and is used 1,332 times in the New testament. It means Deity and God and with the definate article means the Supreme Deity. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost are all called God.

Kurios. This is the Greek word for "Lord" and is used 627 times in the New Testament. It means Lord, Master, and Sir and is used of man 31 times.

Iesous. This is the Greek word for "Jesus" 979 times in the New Testament. It is the Greek form of the hebrew Yehowshua, rendered "Joshua" 215 times in the New Testament. Joshua of the Old Testament is called "Jesus" in the New Testament in Acts 7:45; Heb. 4:8. Jesus is never the name of the Father, or of the Spirit in either Testament, and it was not the name of the second person of the Godhead until He became man, and the Son of God about 1900 years ago. It is the human name of the Son of God.

Christos. This is the Greek word which we translate "Christ," and it is used 575 times in the New Testament. It literally means anointed and is the equivalent of the Hebrew MASHIYACH, translated "Messiah" twice in the Old Testament (Dan. 9:24-26) and twice in the New testament (John 1:41; 4:25). Like the name Jesus, it has no reference to Deity, but to the humanity of Jesus Christ, who became the Christ or the Anointed One thirty years after He was born in a human body and after He was named "Jesus".

Other names apart from those mentioned above of God's Son were not all true of Him until He assumed these titles. For example, He had to become man before He could be called the Son of man, the Son of God, Jesus Christ, Lord Jesus Christ, Messiah, Emmanuel, Son of David, the Lion of the Tribe of Juda, the Lamb of God, Mediator, and many other names. Two passages (Gal. 3:17; 1 Peter 1:11) are used by some to teach that "Christ" was a name of Jesus back in the Old testament times, but apon examination of them we find this is not the case. The phrase "in Christ"in Gal. 3:17 is omitted in the texts and was added by some transcriber. It is not in the R. V., Weymouth, Century Translatiuon, Concordent Version, Nestle's Greek Text, Moffatt, and many other translations. The second passage must be understood in the light of what Peter would naturally say about Jesus after He became the Christ, or the anointed of God. In referring to actions of the second person of the Trinity in Old Testament times one may speak of Christ doing them, but in reality He was not the Christ in Old Testament times when He did them. At that time He was God but not the Son of God or the Anointed of God. Now, since He became man and "Christ" this name could be used of Him in speaking of something He did before He became the Anointed One.

The Father, The Son, and the Holy Ghost (Matt. 28:19; 1 John 5:7-8).
Some people teach that these are not names and they are mere titles, but such teaching demonstrates ignorance of human language and contradicts the Word of God. Our dictionaries and grammars call such words "nouns" or "substantives" and say that all such nouns are names. It is true that not all such are always "proper names," or names of certain individuals. But usage in any particular instance shows whether a word becomes a "proper name' or not; that is applied as a name to a certain person. In Matt. 28:19 it is not just any father or any son or any ghost, but it is is definately "Father" and "Son" and "Holy Ghost." The definate article"the" is used both in the Greek and English versions before each word. It is "the Father," and "the Son," and "the Holy Ghost." These terms thus used and associated can apply to no other person on Earth or in Heaven.

The term "the Father" in the New Testament is not once applied to men or the Christ or to the Holy Ghost, but only and always to the first person of the Godhead, "the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ."

The term "the Son in the New testament is not once applied to men or to "the Father" or to "the Holy Ghost," but always to the second person of the Godhead, "the Son of the Father,"

The term "the Holy Ghost" is not once applied to men, or to "the Father," or to "the Son," but only and always to the third person of the Godhead who proceeds from "the Father," and "the Son."

The fact that these termes are always spelled with capital letters like proper names proves that they are proper names in Scripture and that it was the consensus of all Bible scholars that these terms are true proper names.

Dont thank me, thank Finis Jennings Dake, He got it right.

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Fast the Chosen Fast of God... Then Shalt Thou Be Like a Spring of Water, Whose Waters Fail Not
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Re: 100% God, 100% man

Post by Ironman »

"Who in the days of his flesh, when he had offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto him that was able to save him from death, and was heard in that he feared; Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered; And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him; Called of God an high priest after the order of Melchisedec." (Hebrews 5:7-10).

Galatians 4: 16, Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?
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Re: 100% God, 100% man

Post by branham1965 »

thanks for that post mate. :smilecolros: :angel: :angel: :angel: This is all 100%%%% IRREFUTABLE. No man or devil could stand up to him or his teachings.
Reverend Dake was called by God and divinely Anointed .He was brilliant.And he was called and was a Ministry Gift to the Church.
I remember seeing him on the PTL club.ill never forget it....ever.
i wish there were more video of him.i wonder if he ever was at Rhema.He was at Lester Sumralls many times.i would have walked in the snow from Ohio to South Bend, Indiana to see that.Those two SAINTS together....

Ironman wrote:Theos. This is the Greek word for "God" and is used 1,332 times in the New testament. It means Deity and God and with the definate article means the Supreme Deity. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost are all called God.

Kurios. This is the Greek word for "Lord" and is used 627 times in the New Testament. It means Lord, Master, and Sir and is used of man 31 times.

Iesous. This is the Greek word for "Jesus" 979 times in the New Testament. It is the Greek form of the hebrew Yehowshua, rendered "Joshua" 215 times in the New Testament. Joshua of the Old Testament is called "Jesus" in the New Testament in Acts 7:45; Heb. 4:8. Jesus is never the name of the Father, or of the Spirit in either Testament, and it was not the name of the second person of the Godhead until He became man, and the Son of God about 1900 years ago. It is the human name of the Son of God.

Christos. This is the Greek word which we translate "Christ," and it is used 575 times in the New Testament. It literally means anointed and is the equivalent of the Hebrew MASHIYACH, translated "Messiah" twice in the Old Testament (Dan. 9:24-26) and twice in the New testament (John 1:41; 4:25). Like the name Jesus, it has no reference to Deity, but to the humanity of Jesus Christ, who became the Christ or the Anointed One thirty years after He was born in a human body and after He was named "Jesus".

Other names apart from those mentioned above of God's Son were not all true of Him until He assumed these titles. For example, He had to become man before He could be called the Son of man, the Son of God, Jesus Christ, Lord Jesus Christ, Messiah, Emmanuel, Son of David, the Lion of the Tribe of Juda, the Lamb of God, Mediator, and many other names. Two passages (Gal. 3:17; 1 Peter 1:11) are used by some to teach that "Christ" was a name of Jesus back in the Old testament times, but apon examination of them we find this is not the case. The phrase "in Christ"in Gal. 3:17 is omitted in the texts and was added by some transcriber. It is not in the R. V., Weymouth, Century Translatiuon, Concordent Version, Nestle's Greek Text, Moffatt, and many other translations. The second passage must be understood in the light of what Peter would naturally say about Jesus after He became the Christ, or the anointed of God. In referring to actions of the second person of the Trinity in Old Testament times one may speak of Christ doing them, but in reality He was not the Christ in Old Testament times when He did them. At that time He was God but not the Son of God or the Anointed of God. Now, since He became man and "Christ" this name could be used of Him in speaking of something He did before He became the Anointed One.

The Father, The Son, and the Holy Ghost (Matt. 28:19; 1 John 5:7-8).
Some people teach that these are not names and they are mere titles, but such teaching demonstrates ignorance of human language and contradicts the Word of God. Our dictionaries and grammars call such words "nouns" or "substantives" and say that all such nouns are names. It is true that not all such are always "proper names," or names of certain individuals. But usage in any particular instance shows whether a word becomes a "proper name' or not; that is applied as a name to a certain person. In Matt. 28:19 it is not just any father or any son or any ghost, but it is is definately "Father" and "Son" and "Holy Ghost." The definate article"the" is used both in the Greek and English versions before each word. It is "the Father," and "the Son," and "the Holy Ghost." These terms thus used and associated can apply to no other person on Earth or in Heaven.

The term "the Father" in the New Testament is not once applied to men or the Christ or to the Holy Ghost, but only and always to the first person of the Godhead, "the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ."

The term "the Son in the New testament is not once applied to men or to "the Father" or to "the Holy Ghost," but always to the second person of the Godhead, "the Son of the Father,"

The term "the Holy Ghost" is not once applied to men, or to "the Father," or to "the Son," but only and always to the third person of the Godhead who proceeds from "the Father," and "the Son."

The fact that these termes are always spelled with capital letters like proper names proves that they are proper names in Scripture and that it was the consensus of all Bible scholars that these terms are true proper names.

Dont thank me, thank Finis Jennings Dake, He got it right.
:angel: :angel: SPOT ON MATE!!!!!!!!!!!!


Re: 100% God, 100% man

Post by Rocky »

Ironman wrote:Theos. This is the Greek word for "God" and is used 1,332 times in the New testament. It means Deity and God and with the definate article means the Supreme Deity. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost are all called God.

Kurios. This is the Greek word for "Lord" and is used 627 times in the New Testament. It means Lord, Master, and Sir and is used of man 31 times.

Iesous. This is the Greek word for "Jesus" 979 times in the New Testament. It is the Greek form of the hebrew Yehowshua, rendered "Joshua" 215 times in the New Testament. Joshua of the Old Testament is called "Jesus" in the New Testament in Acts 7:45; Heb. 4:8. Jesus is never the name of the Father, or of the Spirit in either Testament, and it was not the name of the second person of the Godhead until He became man, and the Son of God about 1900 years ago. It is the human name of the Son of God.

Christos. This is the Greek word which we translate "Christ," and it is used 575 times in the New Testament. It literally means anointed and is the equivalent of the Hebrew MASHIYACH, translated "Messiah" twice in the Old Testament (Dan. 9:24-26) and twice in the New testament (John 1:41; 4:25). Like the name Jesus, it has no reference to Deity, but to the humanity of Jesus Christ, who became the Christ or the Anointed One thirty years after He was born in a human body and after He was named "Jesus".

Other names apart from those mentioned above of God's Son were not all true of Him until He assumed these titles. For example, He had to become man before He could be called the Son of man, the Son of God, Jesus Christ, Lord Jesus Christ, Messiah, Emmanuel, Son of David, the Lion of the Tribe of Juda, the Lamb of God, Mediator, and many other names. Two passages (Gal. 3:17; 1 Peter 1:11) are used by some to teach that "Christ" was a name of Jesus back in the Old testament times, but apon examination of them we find this is not the case. The phrase "in Christ"in Gal. 3:17 is omitted in the texts and was added by some transcriber. It is not in the R. V., Weymouth, Century Translatiuon, Concordent Version, Nestle's Greek Text, Moffatt, and many other translations. The second passage must be understood in the light of what Peter would naturally say about Jesus after He became the Christ, or the anointed of God. In referring to actions of the second person of the Trinity in Old Testament times one may speak of Christ doing them, but in reality He was not the Christ in Old Testament times when He did them. At that time He was God but not the Son of God or the Anointed of God. Now, since He became man and "Christ" this name could be used of Him in speaking of something He did before He became the Anointed One.

The Father, The Son, and the Holy Ghost (Matt. 28:19; 1 John 5:7-8).
Some people teach that these are not names and they are mere titles, but such teaching demonstrates ignorance of human language and contradicts the Word of God. Our dictionaries and grammars call such words "nouns" or "substantives" and say that all such nouns are names. It is true that not all such are always "proper names," or names of certain individuals. But usage in any particular instance shows whether a word becomes a "proper name' or not; that is applied as a name to a certain person. In Matt. 28:19 it is not just any father or any son or any ghost, but it is is definately "Father" and "Son" and "Holy Ghost." The definate article"the" is used both in the Greek and English versions before each word. It is "the Father," and "the Son," and "the Holy Ghost." These terms thus used and associated can apply to no other person on Earth or in Heaven.

The term "the Father" in the New Testament is not once applied to men or the Christ or to the Holy Ghost, but only and always to the first person of the Godhead, "the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ."

The term "the Son in the New testament is not once applied to men or to "the Father" or to "the Holy Ghost," but always to the second person of the Godhead, "the Son of the Father,"

The term "the Holy Ghost" is not once applied to men, or to "the Father," or to "the Son," but only and always to the third person of the Godhead who proceeds from "the Father," and "the Son."

The fact that these termes are always spelled with capital letters like proper names proves that they are proper names in Scripture and that it was the consensus of all Bible scholars that these terms are true proper names.

Dont thank me, thank Finis Jennings Dake, He got it right.
This this pretty much settles it, thx Dake, and Haz. :angel:


Re: 100% God, 100% man

Post by brodave »

I've talked to people who went to Rhema.They use some of Dake's teaching.Dad Hagin studied after Dake.Don't know if was ever their.


Re: 100% God, 100% man

Post by brodave »

The Word of God never had it wrong!The Holy Spirit never had it wrong!There has always been a people who believe the word of God and are led by the Spirit.I don't know it all but the Holy Spirit in me does.He is leading me into all truth every day a little at a time!

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Re: 100% God, 100% man

Post by scottae316 »

dolph wrote:For 1500 years orthodox Christianity was way off base.

For 1900 years the orthodox Church had it wrong on the baptism 0f the Holy Spirit.

Today we know it all and there's no need for debate or discussion on Christian doctrine.

But do we have freedom of speech?

Well, at least there's no Inquisition.
Actually the Church has had a witness about being Spirit filled through out all its history. There have been small groups that have known the fulness of the Spirit a difference places and times, they were suppressed and very few of their writings survive. Most of what we know about them comes from the persecutors/victors and they at times describe manifestations of the Spirit, just not in the language and terms we use. I had a book one time detailing this but cannot locate it or remember the title. God poured out more of the Spirit beginning with Azusa Street and it has been growing ever since.

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Re: 100% God, 100% man

Post by branham1965 »

you are right on.there have been BORN AGAIN ,WATER BAPTIZED, SPIRIT FILLED BELIEVER'S SINCE ..."THE GREAT FALLING AWAY".... most know the Church got more and more off center after the Apostles fell asleep in death.
of course Reverend Dake covers this in his works.
it is nutty to think the Church was ever ever overcome by the gates of hell.God has always had His people.His Blood bought Holy Ones.
MANY were Saved and were Spirit filled and spoke with tongues over the 2000 years of the Church.i could give dates ,give names examples.like President George W.Bush once said just believe me cause i said it.
only the LORD is the One who removes the Candlesticks from the Churches.... only HE closes the Door to Heaven,only HE blots names out of His BOOK,He JUDGES,HE KILLS ,HE MAKES WAR,HE CASTS JEZEBEL'S WHO LEADS HIS BOND SERVANTS ASTRAY AND KILLS HER CHILDREN AND GIVES TO US ALL ACCORDING TO OUR DEEDS.
notice how many times God says works ,deeds in the Book of Revelation???we are judged by our faith and our lives or corresponding actions.fruits.
i know that it is POPULARLY taught today by some that we dont live free from sin,or dont confess our sins,or we do not walk in great fear and trembling before God and other rubbish.that works or deeds are completely irrelevant. IF
IF our works dont match our mouths we are going to the Lake of Fire on the day of Judgement...

we had a greatly blessed and Anointed Bible Study at Living Faith Apostolic Church tonight.we are having an Anointed Word Conference in a few days NOVEMBER 13-18 at Living Faith Apostolic Church where Jesus is the Answer.
Bishop Noel Jones :angel: will be there and Nathaniel Urshan :angel: ,Iona Locke :angel: ,Marvin Sapp :angel: and ...........Bishop Edgar Posey :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel:
my mother was talking about the things of God coming from the Church.i felt like i was in another world.i never dreamed it could be so.ive waited on this for 37 YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!37 YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To God be the Glory!!!! He hath done great things for us.......Praise the Lord forever more.

scottae316 wrote:
Actually the Church has had a witness about being Spirit filled through out all its history. There have been small groups that have known the fulness of the Spirit a difference places and times, they were suppressed and very few of their writings survive. Most of what we know about them comes from the persecutors/victors and they at times describe manifestations of the Spirit, just not in the language and terms we use. I had a book one time detailing this but cannot locate it or remember the title. God poured out more of the Spirit beginning with Azusa Street and it has been growing ever since.

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