Dake Bible Discussion BoardUniversalism is the child of false salvation

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Re: Universalism is the child of false salvation

Post by Ironman »

bibleman wrote:
dolph wrote:Haz, like the_Truth said, you have no scripture to support that an angel can't rebel against God. Has something changed in the nature of angels since Lucifer's rebellion that now prevents them from sinning?
Hi dolph,

Do you have any "scripture to support that JESUS can't rebel against God?"
Now that question has to have him deeply thinking.

Galatians 4: 16, Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?
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Re: Universalism is the child of false salvation

Post by Ironman »

dolph wrote:Haz, like the_Truth said, you have no scripture to support that an angel can't rebel against God. Has something changed in the nature of angels since Lucifer's rebellion that now prevents them from sinning?
Nothings changed in the nature of angels, and thats a good thing.

Those who rebelled with Lucifer choose to become rebellious angels of the own free will and will remain so, those who remained faithfull to God did so of their own free will and will remain faithfull. Those who remained faithfull to God have been told, as it has been revealed to us, the final outcome of the rebellious angels and un-repentant sinners, they will end up in the Lake of Fire and they shall be TORMENTED day and night for ever and ever.

The rebellious angesl rebelled of their own free wills for their own selfish reasons, to side with Lucifer and try to dethrone God. Lucifer, foolishly had them convinced they would succeed.

The faithfull angels who remained faithfull to God when the insurrection was being planned by Lucifer of their own free wills decided to remain faithfull to God at all costs.
To convince one third of God's angels to side with himself must have taken Lucifer a long time. During this time God would have allowed those thinking of Joining Lucifer some lee-way to change their minds, to repent of their thoughts before they put them into action, and they could have remained faithfull. But sadly they chose not to!

Seeing the result of this failed attempt to dethrone God, these faithfull angels are not about to jump ship at any time now or in the future? They are faithfull angels, who love their God, they are not insane angels.

The rebellious angels and demons, since their failed attempt to dethrone God now know their final fate.

I'd say when God re-created the Earth to a habital state before He created Adam, God at this time prepared Hell for the devil and His angels, and when finished revealed to them, there it is guys, your final abode.

"And, behold, they cried out, saying, What have we to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God? art thou come hither to TORMENT us before the time?" (Matt. 8:29).

Galatians 4: 16, Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?
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Re: Universalism is the child of false salvation

Post by branham1965 »

i may misunderstand some of the details of your ... position of reconciliation. :lol:
but its another gospel to me.and under the Anathema of God.you are teaching error in my opinion.it is heresy.
only those born again and saved by the Divine Blood of Jesus go to God's Heaven.there are no second chances.no wrested twist version of Protestant "purgatory".
as the old timers used to say: there is a heaven to gain and a literal burning eternal hell to shun.

the_truth wrote:
branham1965 wrote: you teach people are ok who are NOT ok with God.and are going to hell eternally. you deny Hebrews 6.anyone teaching satan and the devils of hell are going to be redeemed is a Biblical illiterate.and i dont care what their degrees are.it should have jumped off in their spirits +scream +scream +scream +afraid +afraid +afraid +CrazyEyes to teach such a thing.and once again the burden of proof is on you.no Evangelical or Christian of any kind believes that.no Pentecostal ever would.and this is a real Pentecostal board.
1. Where did i say that people are ok who are not ok with God. Point me to the post and quote the text from it.
2. You claim i deny Hebrew 6. Point me to post where I said that Hebrew 6 is false. BTW, Genesis to Revelation and every word contained therein is True.
3. Where did I say that the devils or a more better term The Adversary and his messengers will be redeemed. Point me to post and and quote the text.

Now this board has the "quote" mechanism. Use the quote mechanism to show that i said what you said.

(edited by admin to take out inflammatory language)


Re: Universalism is the child of false salvation

Post by the_truth »

Can Jesus rebel against GOD? No deep thought about this one. The Scripture proves that JESUS while on this Earth could be tempted and therefore HE could have succumbed and rebelled against GOD just as the First Adam. But HE didn't. Now that HE is sitting by the Right Hand of Power there is NO way in THIS current Age, or the next or until eternity for CHRIST to rebel against GOD ALMIGHTY because HE was BORN AGAIN. 1. John 3:9. If CHRIST conquered DEATH, then HE must too have conquered SIN. Rev 1:18.

But those Angels, don't have the Spirit nor the seed of GOD in THEM. The Scripture proves that they have not been "born again". As the Hebrew writer says, HE is Highly exalted over the Angels. The Angels nature can change. The Scripture proves that. For the Adversary(Satan) was blameless at one time according to Ezekiel 28:15, YET he changed and a fault was found with him. If the Adversary was blameless and changed, then the remaining ones could change also because the same nature that the good angels had Satan had. And what is that nature? That nature was one that could disobey GOD.

As i have said, the "reconciliation of all things" does not mean that the rebellious Angels will NOT be tormented until the Age of the Ages". They will be tormented but not forever and ever, but literally as the Scripture says TO THE AGE of the Ages.


Re: Universalism is the child of false salvation

Post by Rocky »

the_truth wrote:
branham1965 wrote: you teach people are ok who are NOT ok with God.and are going to hell eternally. you deny Hebrews 6.anyone teaching satan and the devils of hell are going to be redeemed is a Biblical illiterate.and i dont care what their degrees are.it should have jumped off in their spirits +scream +scream +scream +afraid +afraid +afraid +CrazyEyes to teach such a thing.and once again the burden of proof is on you.no Evangelical or Christian of any kind believes that.no Pentecostal ever would.and this is a real Pentecostal board.
1. Where did i say that people are ok who are not ok with God. Point me to the post and quote the text from it.
2. You claim i deny Hebrew 6. Point me to post where I said that Hebrew 6 is false. BTW, Genesis to Revelation and every word contained therein is True.
3. Where did I say that the devils or a more better term The Adversary and his messengers will be redeemed. Point me to post and and quote the text.

Now this board has the "quote" mechanism. Use the quote mechanism to show that i said what you said.

(edited by admin to take out inflammatory language)
what is inflammatory language?

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Re: Universalism is the child of false salvation

Post by Ironman »

the_truth wrote:Can Jesus rebel against GOD? No deep thought about this one. The Scripture proves that JESUS while on this Earth could be tempted and therefore HE could have succumbed and rebelled against GOD just as the First Adam. But HE didn't. Now that HE is sitting by the Right Hand of Power there is NO way in THIS current Age, or the next or until eternity for CHRIST to rebel against GOD ALMIGHTY because HE was BORN AGAIN. 1. John 3:9. If CHRIST conquered DEATH, then HE must too have conquered SIN. Rev 1:18.

But those Angels, don't have the Spirit nor the seed of GOD in THEM. The Scripture proves that they have not been "born again". As the Hebrew writer says, HE is Highly exalted over the Angels. The Angels nature can change. The Scripture proves that. For the Adversary(Satan) was blameless at one time according to Ezekiel 28:15, YET he changed and a fault was found with him. If the Adversary was blameless and changed, then the remaining ones could change also because the same nature that the good angels had Satan had. And what is that nature? That nature was one that could disobey GOD.

As i have said, the "reconciliation of all things" does not mean that the rebellious Angels will NOT be tormented until the Age of the Ages". They will be tormented but not forever and ever, but literally as the Scripture says TO THE AGE of the Ages.
You go right ahead and totally ignore Scripture which plainly, clearly and succinctly states, " . . . . . and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever." (Rev.20:10).

" . . . . . And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, . . . . . "(Rev. 14:11).

"And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:" (Gen. 3:22). Is eternal life temporary?

What about this? "And one of the four beasts gave unto the seven angels seven golden vials full of the wrath of God,WHO LIVETH FOR EVER AND EVER." (Rev. 15:7), Is God who liveth for ever and ever only going to live for a time?

What about Christs reign, will it be temporary? "And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he AND HE SHALL REIGN FOR EVER AND EVER." (Rev. 11:15).

Is God temporary" "And the four beasts said, Amen. And the four and twenty elders fell down and worshipped him that liveth for ever and ever." (Rev. 5:14).

Galatians 4: 16, Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?
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Re: Universalism is the child of false salvation

Post by Ironman »

Rocky wrote:
the_truth wrote:
branham1965 wrote: you teach people are ok who are NOT ok with God.and are going to hell eternally. you deny Hebrews 6.anyone teaching satan and the devils of hell are going to be redeemed is a Biblical illiterate.and i dont care what their degrees are.it should have jumped off in their spirits +scream +scream +scream +afraid +afraid +afraid +CrazyEyes to teach such a thing.and once again the burden of proof is on you.no Evangelical or Christian of any kind believes that.no Pentecostal ever would.and this is a real Pentecostal board.
1. Where did i say that people are ok who are not ok with God. Point me to the post and quote the text from it.
2. You claim i deny Hebrew 6. Point me to post where I said that Hebrew 6 is false. BTW, Genesis to Revelation and every word contained therein is True.
3. Where did I say that the devils or a more better term The Adversary and his messengers will be redeemed. Point me to post and and quote the text.

Now this board has the "quote" mechanism. Use the quote mechanism to show that i said what you said.

(edited by admin to take out inflammatory language)
what is inflammatory language?
This is! Dies Machine is nicht fur gefingerpoken und mitten-grabben.
Is easy schnappen der springenwerk, blowenfuse and poppencorken mit spitzer sparken.
Is nicht fur gewerken by das dummkopfen.
Das rubber necken sightseeren keepen hands in das pockets, relaxen und watch das blinken lights.

Galatians 4: 16, Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?
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