Dake Bible Discussion BoardWhy reject Enoch?

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Why reject Enoch?

Post by Ironman »

Does anyone have any ideas whythe Book of Enoch Rejected from the Bible? Some may ask, if Enoch was such a great book, then why isn't it in the Bible today? There must be a reason why the churches ultimately rejected it, right?

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Re: Why reject Enoch?

Post by Jay »

Haz, even though it is mentioned or quoted in the Book of Jude, there was something I read in it that I didn't feel like lined up with the Word. I wish I could remember exactly what it was. Been a few years since I read the whole thing.

No doubt, the Book of Enoch, is an extraordinarily interesting read. It opened my eyes to what Heaven may actually look like (as much as we can imagine it with our finite minds) and sheds a lot of light on the fallen angels as well as naming some of them.

I first ran across a collection of Pseudepigrapha several years ago when I was pastoring my second church and going to the University of Houston/Victoria, Texas. It was hardback and published by Oxford University Press. Unfortunately, I have never been able to locate a copy new or used. I would buy one if I could find it. Some of the Pseudepigraphal books are very obvious that they are not canonical. For example, one book talked about certain people who lived such pious lives, giving everything they had to the poor, etc., at death they went to a higher level of Heaven than other believers and they would pray to Mary. Scratch that one! Then, in one of the books, Book of Adam (maybe, can't remember for sure), after the ark landed on dry land and Noah and his family were able to leave the boat, God sent angels to show them how to use certain plants and herbs for medicinal use. Likewise the fallen angels later taught people how to use herbs and plants for illicit usage. Interesting stuff! But, when reading those things, they absolutely MUST be judged by the written Word of God. If they don't fit, they don't count.


Hebrews 10:35-36
Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompence of reward. For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise.
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Re: Why reject Enoch?

Post by Ironman »

Jay wrote:Haz, even though it is mentioned or quoted in the Book of Jude, there was something I read in it that I didn't feel like lined up with the Word. I wish I could remember exactly what it was. Been a few years since I read the whole thing.

No doubt, the Book of Enoch, is an extraordinarily interesting read. It opened my eyes to what Heaven may actually look like (as much as we can imagine it with our finite minds) and sheds a lot of light on the fallen angels as well as naming some of them.

I first ran across a collection of Pseudepigrapha several years ago when I was pastoring my second church and going to the University of Houston/Victoria, Texas. It was hardback and published by Oxford University Press. Unfortunately, I have never been able to locate a copy new or used. I would buy one if I could find it. Some of the Pseudepigraphal books are very obvious that they are not canonical. For example, one book talked about certain people who lived such pious lives, giving everything they had to the poor, etc., at death they went to a higher level of Heaven than other believers and they would pray to Mary. Scratch that one! Then, in one of the books, Book of Adam (maybe, can't remember for sure), after the ark landed on dry land and Noah and his family were able to leave the boat, God sent angels to show them how to use certain plants and herbs for medicinal use. Likewise the fallen angels later taught people how to use herbs and plants for illicit usage. Interesting stuff! But, when reading those things, they absolutely MUST be judged by the written Word of God. If they don't fit, they don't count.

Thanks Jay.

We all make mistakes as were all human. Enoch walked with God and was translated that he not see death, (Gen. 5:24 ; Hebrews 11:5). With all our faults and mistakes made by us, by faith and in hope we will, if we dont die first, be raptured and be with Christ forever.

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Re: Why reject Enoch?

Post by branham1965 »

i think as you guys are saying many Books perhaps did not make the Canon that should have.i dont know.but its very interesting.

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Re: Why reject Enoch?

Post by davido »

"For example, one book talked about certain people who lived such pious lives, giving everything they had to the poor, etc., at death they went to a higher level of Heaven than other believers and they would pray to Mary. Scratch that one!"

Thats no doubt true to be scratched.

I've been in a secular group and one man reports a nun stepped
over a baby on the street, which there are many unwanted infants
in this third world country. He blames the nun and the catholic
church for not taking the child and caring for it.

I defend the nun, and get a lot of anti-God hate comments.
I point out having been a missions director so many go into the
mission field not by the calling of God and end up shipwreaked,
divorced and discouraged.
As a missions director twice, I've seen or been told by them
of the tragedies of stepping out without God's leading.
One must have a leading in doing
God's work, and rushing out to give all to all, is not scripitual.
We are not under Satan's command to have a life without joy.
As Derek Prince tapes demonstrate, the righteous will have
joy. To contrast the helping with The Spirit as opposed to
social workers, I've seen so many burnout's. It seems my
experience is too be receptive to helping others when directed
by The Spirit. One cannot save the world not become a slave
to the unrighteousness's deeds. It is simply impossible.
In the secular world of people, they expect those of the faith
to do everything for everyone of which I was taught early in
my church, we are not humanitarists, but led of The Spirit.
Now I see there is such a big differance. Thus taking a poverty
vow and rushing out to do all for all, as I have seen results in
no joy, but turmoil. I've seen to often people rush out ahead of
God's leading and do a lot of things they regret. It's best to
pray, be convicted by The Spirit what one should do as God knows
the potential problems and what can and canoot be done.
I do not thnk highly of church's that get folks hyped up over
missions, but not concerned with whether a person has been
called and has the spiritual maturity to follow a leading to a
positive end. I hope I have supported your post.

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