Dake Bible Discussion BoardExceptions to "All Have Sinned"? What About the Melchizedek?

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Exceptions to "All Have Sinned"? What About the Melchizedek?

Post by macca »

OK, what about Melchizedek?
Straight out of left field.
At least he proves that men outside the main narrative of the bible loved God Almighty.

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Re: Exceptions to "All Have Sinned"? What About the Melchizedek?

Post by Grandfather »

Any assertion about Melchizedek's sinful, or not sinful state would be an argument from silence. One would have to stretch the implication of "after the order of..." to a point that there is no other support.

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Re: Exceptions to "All Have Sinned"? What About the Melchizedek?

Post by luchnia »

Grandfather wrote: Sun Dec 19, 2021 3:24 pm Any assertion about Melchizedek's sinful, or not sinful state would be an argument from silence. One would have to stretch the implication of "after the order of..." to a point that there is no other support.
I agree and the same goes with John the Baptist, Enoch, and others that we have no record of whether then sinned or not. We simply do not know, but we do know that Jesus did not come for righteous, but those that were unrighteous. We also know that Jesus came as a man and did not sin, so "all have sinned" is not inclusive of all men or either Jesus was not a man as we would be led to believe.

One could pose this point, did Jesus ever try to save a righteous person that He met? When the disciples got all blown out over the folks doing righteous work and inquired of Jesus should they call fire down from heaven on them, what Jesus said makes you think - if they are for us they are not against us. Basically leave them alone they are doing nothing wrong.

Word up!
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