Dake Bible Discussion BoardIt is Sunday - Be a REAL Christian and go to Church!

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Re: It is Sunday - Be a REAL Christian and go to Church!

Post by scottae316 »

bibleman wrote:
Ironman wrote:
bibleman wrote:
Ironman wrote:
bibleman wrote:
Ironman wrote:
bibleman wrote:
So you are saying that the Church of Jesus Christ is abusing people today!

So when we all get to Heaven... we will see people who were abused by blood bought, blood washed saints of God who will be sitting right beside of them.

Will they still be abusing people in Heaven too?
Bibleman, who said blood bought, blood washed saints of God abuse people? :shocked!:
Billy and Scott said that the church was abusing people.

Well the Church is "blood bought and blood washed." That is what makes the the church the church.
I dont think billy or scott said Jesus Christ's called out members of His church, led by Him alone, and not popes, men or any one else abuse people. They and I are referring to so called churches who believe they are the true church do abuse people. I was in several who taught me their their bretheren they were the true church and no one would enter Heaven unless they were members, and they abused people, broke up marriages, assulted children sexually and even worse. Their the churches billy scott and I are accusing and rightly so.
I understand...

But you should not be using the word Church!

Because the Church is the body of Christ.

And the body of Christ has never abused anybody.

Now your being politicly correct. Were talking about the Catholic CHURCH. Who I know from personal experience abuse people. The wwcog, who I have seen regularly abuse people and so it goes.

The World wide CHURCH of God.

The MORMON church.

The CHURCH of the latter day saints, to name a few.

We never named them, they named themselves and call themselves a church, their church.

So, when we speak of them publicly or on a forum what should we say?

The Catholic Hmmmmmumble?

The Mormon Hmmmmmmumble?

The Hmmmmmmmmumble of the latter day saints?
NOT politically correct but BIBLE correct. What is the Church according to the Bible?

Are you saying that Jesus has failed and that the gates of HELL has prevailed against HIS Church?
Well according to you the Church is a building. The rest of us are in line with Scripture that says the Church is made up of true believers, not a building, denomination, or particular location. Against the true Church, the gates of hell will not prevail. Biblically, the Church consists of those who trust and believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior not a building or a group meeting in a building.

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Re: It is Sunday - Be a REAL Christian and go to Church!

Post by bibleman »

scottae316 wrote:
bibleman wrote:
Ironman wrote:
bibleman wrote:
Ironman wrote:
bibleman wrote:
Ironman wrote:
Bibleman, who said blood bought, blood washed saints of God abuse people? :shocked!:
Billy and Scott said that the church was abusing people.

Well the Church is "blood bought and blood washed." That is what makes the the church the church.
I dont think billy or scott said Jesus Christ's called out members of His church, led by Him alone, and not popes, men or any one else abuse people. They and I are referring to so called churches who believe they are the true church do abuse people. I was in several who taught me their their bretheren they were the true church and no one would enter Heaven unless they were members, and they abused people, broke up marriages, assulted children sexually and even worse. Their the churches billy scott and I are accusing and rightly so.
I understand...

But you should not be using the word Church!

Because the Church is the body of Christ.

And the body of Christ has never abused anybody.

Now your being politicly correct. Were talking about the Catholic CHURCH. Who I know from personal experience abuse people. The wwcog, who I have seen regularly abuse people and so it goes.

The World wide CHURCH of God.

The MORMON church.

The CHURCH of the latter day saints, to name a few.

We never named them, they named themselves and call themselves a church, their church.

So, when we speak of them publicly or on a forum what should we say?

The Catholic Hmmmmmumble?

The Mormon Hmmmmmmumble?

The Hmmmmmmmmumble of the latter day saints?
NOT politically correct but BIBLE correct. What is the Church according to the Bible?

Are you saying that Jesus has failed and that the gates of HELL has prevailed against HIS Church?
Well according to you the Church is a building. The rest of us are in line with Scripture that says the Church is made up of true believers, not a building, denomination, or particular location. Against the true Church, the gates of hell will not prevail. Biblically, the Church consists of those who trust and believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior not a building or a group meeting in a building.

Right the church does consist of those who trust and believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior not a building or a group meeting in a building.

And according to billy and Ironman that group of people called the church abuses people.

I really don’t believe that is the case, for Jesus "loved the church, and gave himself for it; That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish." Ephesians 5:25-27

How can the church of Jesus be an abusing church?

God bless
Leon Bible


The fault in Bible complications is not with God or the Bible, but with men who refuse to believe what God says and think we have to interpret what He says in order to get the meaning. Dake Bible -Mark 11:17 note
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Re: It is Sunday - Be a REAL Christian and go to Church!

Post by Ironman »

bibleman wrote:
scottae316 wrote:
bibleman wrote:
Ironman wrote:
bibleman wrote:
Ironman wrote:
bibleman wrote:
Billy and Scott said that the church was abusing people.

Well the Church is "blood bought and blood washed." That is what makes the the church the church.
I dont think billy or scott said Jesus Christ's called out members of His church, led by Him alone, and not popes, men or any one else abuse people. They and I are referring to so called churches who believe they are the true church do abuse people. I was in several who taught me their their bretheren they were the true church and no one would enter Heaven unless they were members, and they abused people, broke up marriages, assulted children sexually and even worse. Their the churches billy scott and I are accusing and rightly so.
I understand...

But you should not be using the word Church!

Because the Church is the body of Christ.

And the body of Christ has never abused anybody.

Now your being politicly correct. Were talking about the Catholic CHURCH. Who I know from personal experience abuse people. The wwcog, who I have seen regularly abuse people and so it goes.

The World wide CHURCH of God.

The MORMON church.

The CHURCH of the latter day saints, to name a few.

We never named them, they named themselves and call themselves a church, their church.

So, when we speak of them publicly or on a forum what should we say?

The Catholic Hmmmmmumble?

The Mormon Hmmmmmmumble?

The Hmmmmmmmmumble of the latter day saints?
NOT politically correct but BIBLE correct. What is the Church according to the Bible?

Are you saying that Jesus has failed and that the gates of HELL has prevailed against HIS Church?
Well according to you the Church is a building. The rest of us are in line with Scripture that says the Church is made up of true believers, not a building, denomination, or particular location. Against the true Church, the gates of hell will not prevail. Biblically, the Church consists of those who trust and believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior not a building or a group meeting in a building.

Right the church does consist of those who trust and believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior not a building or a group meeting in a building.

And according to billy and Ironman that group of people called the church abuses people.

I really don’t believe that is the case, for Jesus "loved the church, and gave himself for it; That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish." Ephesians 5:25-27

How can the church of Jesus be an abusing church?

Never once said or alluded that the church of Jesus Christ abuses anyone?

This is the true church!

Jesus Christs church is not a building or a particular religious group with
some special name? The new Testament Church, of which Jesus Christ is the
head is a called out body of people of all nations who have been born again and
who have lived a true Christian life and died in the faith. It also includes
all those who are alive in Christ today. This present church is called the
"ekklesia" of the New Testament times, called out of this world to
evangelize the world in this age.

The church, in its largest signification is the whole company of redeemed in
all ages, in Heaven and in Earth (Eph. 3:1-11; Heb. 12:23). It is the spiritual
people who have been made members of the universial family of God. The church
in this sense is the body of Christ, and it does not consist of saved and
unsaved. It is not a group of individuals associated together for social and
benevolent purposes, as seems to be on every hand in most worldly church
gatherings. It is the body of people indwelt by God through the Holy Spirit and
through whom God works in the world.

The church is a supernatural body of believers filled with the presence and
power of God as individuals conform to the gospel of Christ. The church is like
a family in its social life, yet is unlike a family in its formation. Each
local church is a part of the universal church in the broad sense.
However there are many in local churches that do not belong to the body of
Christ, and therefore they are not a true part of the universal church of the
New Testament.

Galatians 4: 16, Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?
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Re: It is Sunday - Be a REAL Christian and go to Church!

Post by branham1965 »

Forget it.

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Re: It is Sunday - Be a REAL Christian and go to Church!

Post by branham1965 »

I wish nothing but the very best for every person on here.

And i agree with Haz above.

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Re: It is Sunday - Be a REAL Christian and go to Church!

Post by bibleman »

Ironman wrote: Never once said or alluded that the church of Jesus Christ abuses anyone?

This is the true church!

Jesus Christs church is not a building or a particular religious group with
some special name? The new Testament Church, of which Jesus Christ is the
head is a called out body of people of all nations who have been born again and
who have lived a true Christian life and died in the faith. It also includes
all those who are alive in Christ today. This present church is called the
"ekklesia" of the New Testament times, called out of this world to
evangelize the world in this age.

The church, in its largest signification is the whole company of redeemed in
all ages, in Heaven and in Earth (Eph. 3:1-11; Heb. 12:23). It is the spiritual
people who have been made members of the universial family of God. The church
in this sense is the body of Christ, and it does not consist of saved and
unsaved. It is not a group of individuals associated together for social and
benevolent purposes, as seems to be on every hand in most worldly church
gatherings. It is the body of people indwelt by God through the Holy Spirit and
through whom God works in the world.

The church is a supernatural body of believers filled with the presence and
power of God as individuals conform to the gospel of Christ. The church is like
a family in its social life, yet is unlike a family in its formation. Each
local church is a part of the universal church in the broad sense.
However there are many in local churches that do not belong to the body of
Christ, and therefore they are not a true part of the universal church of the
New Testament.
Above you said: "Never once said or alluded that the church of Jesus Christ abuses anyone?"

Great glad we are in agreement!

There may be some "in local churches that do not belong to the body of Christ, and therefore they are not a true part of the universal church of the New Testament" who abuse people...

BUT there is NO abusive church. The Church that Jesus created is a pure and holy body that overcomes all that Hell has to offer.

God bless
Leon Bible


The fault in Bible complications is not with God or the Bible, but with men who refuse to believe what God says and think we have to interpret what He says in order to get the meaning. Dake Bible -Mark 11:17 note
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Re: It is Sunday - Be a REAL Christian and go to Church!

Post by bibleman »

branham1965 wrote:I wish nothing but the very best for every person on here.

And i agree with Haz above.
I wish the best for you too Billy!

Remember this is a discussion board and people sometimes have different views.

And if you want to disagree with me that is OK.

BUT I think you are wrong about Haz because he said: "Never once said or alluded that the church of Jesus Christ abuses anyone?"

So he does not believe in an abusive church of Jesus Christ either.

God bless
Leon Bible


The fault in Bible complications is not with God or the Bible, but with men who refuse to believe what God says and think we have to interpret what He says in order to get the meaning. Dake Bible -Mark 11:17 note
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Re: It is Sunday - Be a REAL Christian and go to Church!

Post by branham1965 »

WHY in around 10 years Scottae316 does it always go to this??

All members please go to


Spiritual abuse or Church abuse

scottae316 wrote:
bibleman wrote:
Ironman wrote:
bibleman wrote:
Ironman wrote:
bibleman wrote:
Ironman wrote:
Bibleman, who said blood bought, blood washed saints of God abuse people? :shocked!:
Billy and Scott said that the church was abusing people.

Well the Church is "blood bought and blood washed." That is what makes the the church the church.
I dont think billy or scott said Jesus Christ's called out members of His church, led by Him alone, and not popes, men or any one else abuse people. They and I are referring to so called churches who believe they are the true church do abuse people. I was in several who taught me their their bretheren they were the true church and no one would enter Heaven unless they were members, and they abused people, broke up marriages, assulted children sexually and even worse. Their the churches billy scott and I are accusing and rightly so.
I understand...

But you should not be using the word Church!

Because the Church is the body of Christ.

And the body of Christ has never abused anybody.

Now your being politicly correct. Were talking about the Catholic CHURCH. Who I know from personal experience abuse people. The wwcog, who I have seen regularly abuse people and so it goes.

The World wide CHURCH of God.

The MORMON church.

The CHURCH of the latter day saints, to name a few.

We never named them, they named themselves and call themselves a church, their church.

So, when we speak of them publicly or on a forum what should we say?

The Catholic Hmmmmmumble?

The Mormon Hmmmmmmumble?

The Hmmmmmmmmumble of the latter day saints?
NOT politically correct but BIBLE correct. What is the Church according to the Bible?

Are you saying that Jesus has failed and that the gates of HELL has prevailed against HIS Church?
Well according to you the Church is a building. The rest of us are in line with Scripture that says the Church is made up of true believers, not a building, denomination, or particular location. Against the true Church, the gates of hell will not prevail. Biblically, the Church consists of those who trust and believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior not a building or a group meeting in a building.

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Re: It is Sunday - Be a REAL Christian and go to Church!

Post by bibleman »

branham1965 wrote:WHY in around 10 years Scottae316 does it always go to this??

All members please go to

Spiritual abuse or Church abuse

scottae316 wrote:
bibleman wrote:
Ironman wrote:
bibleman wrote:
Ironman wrote:
bibleman wrote:
Billy and Scott said that the church was abusing people.

Well the Church is "blood bought and blood washed." That is what makes the the church the church.
I dont think billy or scott said Jesus Christ's called out members of His church, led by Him alone, and not popes, men or any one else abuse people. They and I are referring to so called churches who believe they are the true church do abuse people. I was in several who taught me their their bretheren they were the true church and no one would enter Heaven unless they were members, and they abused people, broke up marriages, assulted children sexually and even worse. Their the churches billy scott and I are accusing and rightly so.
I understand...

But you should not be using the word Church!

Because the Church is the body of Christ.

And the body of Christ has never abused anybody.

Now your being politicly correct. Were talking about the Catholic CHURCH. Who I know from personal experience abuse people. The wwcog, who I have seen regularly abuse people and so it goes.

The World wide CHURCH of God.

The MORMON church.

The CHURCH of the latter day saints, to name a few.

We never named them, they named themselves and call themselves a church, their church.

So, when we speak of them publicly or on a forum what should we say?

The Catholic Hmmmmmumble?

The Mormon Hmmmmmmumble?

The Hmmmmmmmmumble of the latter day saints?
NOT politically correct but BIBLE correct. What is the Church according to the Bible?

Are you saying that Jesus has failed and that the gates of HELL has prevailed against HIS Church?
Well according to you the Church is a building. The rest of us are in line with Scripture that says the Church is made up of true believers, not a building, denomination, or particular location. Against the true Church, the gates of hell will not prevail. Biblically, the Church consists of those who trust and believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior not a building or a group meeting in a building.

Why should we go to Google?

What does it matter what google says? The Bible says: "let God be true, but every man a liar;" Romans 3:4

AND the Bible says the church is a "a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish." Ephesians 5:27

AND "I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." Matthew 16:18

So if you want to believe Google OVER JESUS... then that is your problem. This is a Bible Discussion Board and we should not lead people astray to sources such as Google - but point people to God's Word!

Why not be obedient and believe and confess the Word of God. Get your mind renewed to the Word of God.

God bless
Leon Bible


The fault in Bible complications is not with God or the Bible, but with men who refuse to believe what God says and think we have to interpret what He says in order to get the meaning. Dake Bible -Mark 11:17 note
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Re: It is Sunday - Be a REAL Christian and go to Church!

Post by Ironman »

bibleman wrote:
branham1965 wrote:WHY in around 10 years Scottae316 does it always go to this??

All members please go to

Spiritual abuse or Church abuse

scottae316 wrote:
bibleman wrote:
Ironman wrote:
bibleman wrote:
Ironman wrote:
I dont think billy or scott said Jesus Christ's called out members of His church, led by Him alone, and not popes, men or any one else abuse people. They and I are referring to so called churches who believe they are the true church do abuse people. I was in several who taught me their their bretheren they were the true church and no one would enter Heaven unless they were members, and they abused people, broke up marriages, assulted children sexually and even worse. Their the churches billy scott and I are accusing and rightly so.
I understand...

But you should not be using the word Church!

Because the Church is the body of Christ.

And the body of Christ has never abused anybody.

Now your being politicly correct. Were talking about the Catholic CHURCH. Who I know from personal experience abuse people. The wwcog, who I have seen regularly abuse people and so it goes.

The World wide CHURCH of God.

The MORMON church.

The CHURCH of the latter day saints, to name a few.

We never named them, they named themselves and call themselves a church, their church.

So, when we speak of them publicly or on a forum what should we say?

The Catholic Hmmmmmumble?

The Mormon Hmmmmmmumble?

The Hmmmmmmmmumble of the latter day saints?
NOT politically correct but BIBLE correct. What is the Church according to the Bible?

Are you saying that Jesus has failed and that the gates of HELL has prevailed against HIS Church?
Well according to you the Church is a building. The rest of us are in line with Scripture that says the Church is made up of true believers, not a building, denomination, or particular location. Against the true Church, the gates of hell will not prevail. Biblically, the Church consists of those who trust and believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior not a building or a group meeting in a building.

Why should we go to Google?

What does it matter what google says? The Bible says: "let God be true, but every man a liar;" Romans 3:4

AND the Bible says the church is a "a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish." Ephesians 5:27

AND "I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." Matthew 16:18

So if you want to believe Google OVER JESUS... then that is your problem. This is a Bible Discussion Board and we should not lead people astray to sources such as Google - but point people to God's Word!

Why not be obedient and believe and confess the Word of God. Get your mind renewed to the Word of God.

I dont believe google over Jesus. I was refering to Mystery Babylon the mother of Harlots and all her offshoots, dont you see that in my posts?

Im not referring to this church,

If your not a member of this church, your in the wrong
one, according to Scripture, its that simple. Paul never taught Jesus +
some church brings salvation, Paul never taught Jesus + certain
sacraments brings salvation, Paul never taught Jesus plus
legalism brings salvation, Paul never taught Jesus + purgatory brings
salvation, Paul never taught circumcision brings salvation, Paul taught
only Jesus + nothing else brings salvation.

We cannot do anything, or add anything to all Jesus, the Father and
the Holy Spirit did to save mankind.

All we need do is believe in Him and in Him who sent Him.

Galatians 1: 6, I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called
you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel:

7, Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you,
and would pervert the gospel of Christ.

8, But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other
gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.

9, As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach
any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.

10, For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to
please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.

11, But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was
preached of me is not after man.

12, For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught
it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ.


Jesus Christs church is not a building or a particular religious group with
some special name? The new Testament Church, of which Jesus Christ is the
head is a called out body of people of all nations who have been born again and
who have lived a true Christian life and died in the faith. It also includes
all those who are alive in Christ today. This present church is called the
"ekklesia" of the New Testament times, called out of this world to
evangelize the world in this age.

The church, in its largest signification is the whole company of redeemed in
all ages, in Heaven and in Earth (Eph. 3:1-11; Heb. 12:23). It is the spiritual
people who have been made members of the universial family of God. The church
in this sense is the body of Christ, and it does not consist of saved and
unsaved. It is not a group of individuals associated together for social and
benevolent purposes, as seems to be on every hand in most worldly church
gatherings. It is the body of people indwelt by God through the Holy Spirit and
through whom God works in the world.

The church is a supernatural body of believers filled with the presence and
power of God as individuals conform to the gospel of Christ. The church is like
a family in its social life, yet is unlike a family in its formation. Each
local church is a part of the universal church in the broad sense.
However there are many in local churches that do not belong to the body of
Christ, and therefore they are not a true part of the universal church of the
New Testament.

Galatians 4: 16, Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?
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