Dake Bible Discussion BoardIt is Sunday - Be a REAL Christian and go to Church!

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Re: It is Sunday - Be a REAL Christian and go to Church!

Post by branham1965 »

One question i can hear Reverend Dake ask is :

"If you are not going to a local church then where do you pay your tithes???"

+hammer +hammer

branham1965 wrote:+jump2

That post reminds me of the old days on here.

Good post Scott. :angel: :angel:

scottae316 wrote:
bibleman wrote:
scottae316 wrote:
bibleman wrote:It is so amazing and absolutely foolish for a Christian to protest the church. In fact it seems impossible that a real Christian could be against the church as some of your posting seems to indicate.

First off on the "church" not being a building but a assembly of believers. Get real. We all know that. Everybody in America knows what a church is. That is just playing some kind of word games.
I would strongly disagree, when you say where is the church, people usually respond with an address or directions to a physical location.
Secondly, saying that you don't go to church because you are the church! Is just a cop out. Why not say that about your "home." Remember home is where the heart is! Why not NEVER go home! Leave your wife and kids there to fend for themselves. Why? because you can be home without being home. And while we are at it don't bring your paycheck "home" either. After all your wife and kids would just spend it on high living and wrong things that you did not "vote" for. So live away from your family and keep your money - remember home is where you say it is not a HOUSE!
I didn’t read where anyone was suggesting or saying that Christians should forsake the gathering with other believers.
So all the arguments for why you don't want to go to church is just a cop out and excuse for your sin of failing to support and take your place in the body of Christ.
Again, no one suggested that Christians should not gather together for worship, prayer, teaching, and fellowship.
In the real world that I live in.... Not going to church is not an option for a Christian. Fact is real Christians go to church.
So those who say they are Christians but live in a country that oppresses Christianity and where Churches are illegal and Christian gatherings that are not held secretly aren’t real Christians? That type of thought is way out there, real Christians gather together, in the Western world it is usually churches, but can be in halls and homes. You don’t need a building with a steeple, choir, and organ and/or piano to worship the Lord. You just need to love Him and desire to worship Him with other believers.
No body is talk about countries where no church exist. Talking about her in the US where churches or on every corner and yet some people won't go and yet still call themselves a christian.

I don't buy that for one moment.

Do you go to church?
Well actually there is not one post that states we are referring to US churches only. When I and most people use the term church without a specific reference to a location, it means the church throughout the world. When thinking of the church, I think of the universal church unless I mention a specific location.

However, you are right, there are plenty of churches here in the US. So you are saying that if a person doesn’t go to church, you question if they are Christians? While it is normative for Christians to attend a church, I have known a few who were deeply committed to Christ and didn’t. I’m not referring to those who work on Sunday mornings either, but that raises an interesting point. What if you work on Sunday mornings? As for your ‘don’t buy that for a moment’, of course you don’t it doesn’t fit with your ideas. I’ve known several people who were deeply hurt by churches and don’t attend. When I was a church pastor, I had just such a person, but through showing love instead of judging she eventually came back. We are told not to neglect gathering together with other believers, there are many who have been wounded by churches and have no desire to take that chance again. Are they excused from fellowshipping, no. Chances are they have been judged enough, now is the time to give and show God’s love for them and ours also.

Do I go to church, did you really ask me that? Wow. But hey, I’ll answer you, yes I do. My turn, do you show love and compassion to those in the church you pastor that don’t agree with you or have different opinions or are you sarcastic and take shots at them?

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Re: It is Sunday - Be a REAL Christian and go to Church!

Post by bibleman »

scottae316 wrote: Do I go to church, did you really ask me that? Wow. But hey, I’ll answer you, yes I do. My turn, do you show love and compassion to those in the church you pastor that don’t agree with you or have different opinions or are you sarcastic and take shots at them?
Yes, of course I show love and compassion to those in the church who disagree with me.

I don't take shots at anybody.

But For a person to say they love ice cream I would expect them to eat some every now and then.

AND the old "I been hurt by the church" argument does not get it either. People get hurt by their work and keep working, hurt by their spouses and stay married, run over by a car and keep driving, so why does that become a perfectly good excuse for not attending church. After all REAL Christians forgive and then live like it never happened

And for Christians to not go to church.... (not including the exceptions work, sickness, in jail etc.) is not acceptable when Paul commanded us to go to church in Hebrews 10:25.

The day and age we live in requires the real deal, living our lives for Jesus 100%, sold out to Him... and that includes going to Church.

God bless
Leon Bible


The fault in Bible complications is not with God or the Bible, but with men who refuse to believe what God says and think we have to interpret what He says in order to get the meaning. Dake Bible -Mark 11:17 note
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Re: It is Sunday - Be a REAL Christian and go to Church!

Post by branham1965 »

You told me once there was no abusive churches.

That is completely off center.And is untrue.

Amazon has a good section on abusive churches or spiritual abuse.


bibleman wrote:
scottae316 wrote: Do I go to church, did you really ask me that? Wow. But hey, I’ll answer you, yes I do. My turn, do you show love and compassion to those in the church you pastor that don’t agree with you or have different opinions or are you sarcastic and take shots at them?
Yes, of course I show love and compassion to those in the church who disagree with me.

I don't take shots at anybody.

But For a person to say they love ice cream I would expect them to eat some every now and then.

AND the old "I been hurt by the church" argument does not get it either. People get hurt by their work and keep working, hurt by their spouses and stay married, run over by a car and keep driving, so why does that become a perfectly good excuse for not attending church. After all REAL Christians forgive and then live like it never happened

And for Christians to not go to church.... (not including the exceptions work, sickness, in jail etc.) is not acceptable when Paul commanded us to go to church in Hebrews 10:25.

The day and age we live in requires the real deal, living our lives for Jesus 100%, sold out to Him... and that includes going to Church.

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Re: It is Sunday - Be a REAL Christian and go to Church!

Post by bibleman »

branham1965 wrote:You told me once there was no abusive churches.

That is completely off center.And is untrue.

Amazon has a good section on abusive churches or spiritual abuse.

bibleman wrote:
scottae316 wrote: Do I go to church, did you really ask me that? Wow. But hey, I’ll answer you, yes I do. My turn, do you show love and compassion to those in the church you pastor that don’t agree with you or have different opinions or are you sarcastic and take shots at them?
Yes, of course I show love and compassion to those in the church who disagree with me.

I don't take shots at anybody.

But For a person to say they love ice cream I would expect them to eat some every now and then.

AND the old "I been hurt by the church" argument does not get it either. People get hurt by their work and keep working, hurt by their spouses and stay married, run over by a car and keep driving, so why does that become a perfectly good excuse for not attending church. After all REAL Christians forgive and then live like it never happened

And for Christians to not go to church.... (not including the exceptions work, sickness, in jail etc.) is not acceptable when Paul commanded us to go to church in Hebrews 10:25.

The day and age we live in requires the real deal, living our lives for Jesus 100%, sold out to Him... and that includes going to Church.
No I don't believe there are any abusive churches. At least I have never attended one... ANd I did not know Amazon was a church. Now some people may have gotten their feelings hurt at church. But usually that is the problem of people not living according to the Word of the Lord.

In fact if people would Pray, Fast and live in the Word people would not have all those problems that they blame on others.

God bless
Leon Bible


The fault in Bible complications is not with God or the Bible, but with men who refuse to believe what God says and think we have to interpret what He says in order to get the meaning. Dake Bible -Mark 11:17 note
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Re: It is Sunday - Be a REAL Christian and go to Church!

Post by branham1965 »


I am not talking about getting ones feelings hurt by a Preacher.Or getting rebuked or corrected.

I would google it and see what comes up. :|

bibleman wrote:
branham1965 wrote:You told me once there was no abusive churches.

That is completely off center.And is untrue.

Amazon has a good section on abusive churches or spiritual abuse.

bibleman wrote:
scottae316 wrote: Do I go to church, did you really ask me that? Wow. But hey, I’ll answer you, yes I do. My turn, do you show love and compassion to those in the church you pastor that don’t agree with you or have different opinions or are you sarcastic and take shots at them?
Yes, of course I show love and compassion to those in the church who disagree with me.

I don't take shots at anybody.

But For a person to say they love ice cream I would expect them to eat some every now and then.

AND the old "I been hurt by the church" argument does not get it either. People get hurt by their work and keep working, hurt by their spouses and stay married, run over by a car and keep driving, so why does that become a perfectly good excuse for not attending church. After all REAL Christians forgive and then live like it never happened

And for Christians to not go to church.... (not including the exceptions work, sickness, in jail etc.) is not acceptable when Paul commanded us to go to church in Hebrews 10:25.

The day and age we live in requires the real deal, living our lives for Jesus 100%, sold out to Him... and that includes going to Church.
No I don't believe there are any abusive churches. At least I have never attended one... ANd I did not know Amazon was a church. Now some people may have gotten their feelings hurt at church. But usually that is the problem of people not living according to the Word of the Lord.

In fact if people would Pray, Fast and live in the Word people would not have all those problems that they blame on others.

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Re: It is Sunday - Be a REAL Christian and go to Church!

Post by Ironman »

bibleman wrote:
scottae316 wrote:

AND the old "I been hurt by the church" argument does not get it either. People get hurt by their work and keep working, hurt by their spouses and stay married, run over by a car and keep driving, so why does that become a perfectly good excuse for not attending church. After all REAL Christians forgive and then live like it never happened

And for Christians to not go to church.... (not including the exceptions work, sickness, in jail etc.) is not acceptable when Paul commanded us to go to church in Hebrews 10:25.

The day and age we live in requires the real deal, living our lives for Jesus 100%, sold out to Him... and that includes going to Church.
This is not a "POOR ME post, its my experience of so called Christian churches and schools. Did I read somewhere that there are no abusive churches? My country is full to the brim with them, including schools.

Ex-Catholic priest on trial for allegedly abusing young altar boys in regional NSW. A Catholic priest repeatedly sexually abused three young altar boys in regional NSW in the 1980s, including raping one child at the church's altar, a court has heard.
The man, who cannot be named for legal reasons, is being tried for 17 offences allegedly committed against the boys, aged 11 and 12, between 1980 and 1984. And this is only one of dozens of several churches and denominations in our area.

The rest of this story is too sad and horrific to post here.

A nun at the catholic church I attended as a child from 5 y.o. to age 10 whipped me across the back of my legs untill I bled for a very minor mistake.

The headmaster at the christian high school I attended put the hard word on me. Only thing stopping him was that I was 11 stone, fighting fit rugby forward at my school and I told him if he was even to lay a hand on me I would break every bone in his stinking scrawney body. I believe he moved on the other victims.

My wife as a young girl was cracked over the head with the edge a wire bound music book by a nun music teacher because she hit one wrong note during a piano lesson. She ran home crying and bleeding profusely.

I left that religion and church and joined another only to find out by one of my children that they were approached by an elder while attending a church function. I left there and joined another and all I got was non-biblical garbage.

I no longer trust anyone especially those priests, bishops, ministers, and pastors who call themselves "REVEREND, or VERY REVEREND." When we look into the Bible, we find the word "reverend" refers only to God Himself, and not once is it applied to a man. The lone instance of the word, found in Psalm 111:9 in the King James version, says: "He [God] sent redemption unto His people: He hath commanded His covenant for ever: holy and reverend is His name." God alone has a name worthy of reverence. No man, including any minister, has a name worthy of such respect or worship.

I couldn't drag my wife to a church with a team of wild horses after all things she, my children and I have endured over the years.

Galatians 4: 16, Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?
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Re: It is Sunday - Be a REAL Christian and go to Church!

Post by bibleman »

Ironman wrote:
bibleman wrote:
scottae316 wrote:

AND the old "I been hurt by the church" argument does not get it either. People get hurt by their work and keep working, hurt by their spouses and stay married, run over by a car and keep driving, so why does that become a perfectly good excuse for not attending church. After all REAL Christians forgive and then live like it never happened

And for Christians to not go to church.... (not including the exceptions work, sickness, in jail etc.) is not acceptable when Paul commanded us to go to church in Hebrews 10:25.

The day and age we live in requires the real deal, living our lives for Jesus 100%, sold out to Him... and that includes going to Church.
This is not a "POOR ME post, its my experience of so called Christian churches and schools. Did I read somewhere that there are no abusive churches? My country is full to the brim with them, including schools.

Ex-Catholic priest on trial for allegedly abusing young altar boys in regional NSW. A Catholic priest repeatedly sexually abused three young altar boys in regional NSW in the 1980s, including raping one child at the church's altar, a court has heard.
The man, who cannot be named for legal reasons, is being tried for 17 offences allegedly committed against the boys, aged 11 and 12, between 1980 and 1984. And this is only one of dozens of several churches and denominations in our area.

The rest of this story is too sad and horrific to post here.

A nun at the catholic church I attended as a child from 5 y.o. to age 10 whipped me across the back of my legs untill I bled for a very minor mistake.

The headmaster at the christian high school I attended put the hard word on me. Only thing stopping him was that I was 11 stone, fighting fit rugby forward at my school and I told him if he was even to lay a hand on me I would break every bone in his stinking scrawney body. I believe he moved on the other victims.

My wife as a young girl was cracked over the head with the edge a wire bound music book by a nun music teacher because she hit one wrong note during a piano lesson. She ran home crying and bleeding profusely.

I left that religion and church and joined another only to find out by one of my children that they were approached by an elder while attending a church function. I left there and joined another and all I got was non-biblical garbage.

I no longer trust anyone especially those priests, bishops, ministers, and pastors who call themselves "REVEREND, or VERY REVEREND." When we look into the Bible, we find the word "reverend" refers only to God Himself, and not once is it applied to a man. The lone instance of the word, found in Psalm 111:9 in the King James version, says: "He [God] sent redemption unto His people: He hath commanded His covenant for ever: holy and reverend is His name." God alone has a name worthy of reverence. No man, including any minister, has a name worthy of such respect or worship.

I couldn't drag my wife to a church with a team of wild horses after all things she, my children and I have endured over the years.
Well it seems very childish to me, saying I have a bad experience and for that reason I reject the Lord's Church that he said HE would build and the gates of Hell would not prevail against it.

But that be as it may... I have seen you post about the bad things your government Australia has done...

Why don't you leave the country like you did the church?

God bless
Leon Bible


The fault in Bible complications is not with God or the Bible, but with men who refuse to believe what God says and think we have to interpret what He says in order to get the meaning. Dake Bible -Mark 11:17 note
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Re: It is Sunday - Be a REAL Christian and go to Church!

Post by branham1965 »

:angel: :angel: Very well said.

Ironman wrote:
bibleman wrote:
scottae316 wrote:

AND the old "I been hurt by the church" argument does not get it either. People get hurt by their work and keep working, hurt by their spouses and stay married, run over by a car and keep driving, so why does that become a perfectly good excuse for not attending church. After all REAL Christians forgive and then live like it never happened

And for Christians to not go to church.... (not including the exceptions work, sickness, in jail etc.) is not acceptable when Paul commanded us to go to church in Hebrews 10:25.

The day and age we live in requires the real deal, living our lives for Jesus 100%, sold out to Him... and that includes going to Church.
This is not a "POOR ME post, its my experience of so called Christian churches and schools. Did I read somewhere that there are no abusive churches? My country is full to the brim with them, including schools.

Ex-Catholic priest on trial for allegedly abusing young altar boys in regional NSW. A Catholic priest repeatedly sexually abused three young altar boys in regional NSW in the 1980s, including raping one child at the church's altar, a court has heard.
The man, who cannot be named for legal reasons, is being tried for 17 offences allegedly committed against the boys, aged 11 and 12, between 1980 and 1984. And this is only one of dozens of several churches and denominations in our area.

The rest of this story is too sad and horrific to post here.

A nun at the catholic church I attended as a child from 5 y.o. to age 10 whipped me across the back of my legs untill I bled for a very minor mistake.

The headmaster at the christian high school I attended put the hard word on me. Only thing stopping him was that I was 11 stone, fighting fit rugby forward at my school and I told him if he was even to lay a hand on me I would break every bone in his stinking scrawney body. I believe he moved on the other victims.

My wife as a young girl was cracked over the head with the edge a wire bound music book by a nun music teacher because she hit one wrong note during a piano lesson. She ran home crying and bleeding profusely.

I left that religion and church and joined another only to find out by one of my children that they were approached by an elder while attending a church function. I left there and joined another and all I got was non-biblical garbage.

I no longer trust anyone especially those priests, bishops, ministers, and pastors who call themselves "REVEREND, or VERY REVEREND." When we look into the Bible, we find the word "reverend" refers only to God Himself, and not once is it applied to a man. The lone instance of the word, found in Psalm 111:9 in the King James version, says: "He [God] sent redemption unto His people: He hath commanded His covenant for ever: holy and reverend is His name." God alone has a name worthy of reverence. No man, including any minister, has a name worthy of such respect or worship.

I couldn't drag my wife to a church with a team of wild horses after all things she, my children and I have endured over the years.

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Re: It is Sunday - Be a REAL Christian and go to Church!

Post by branham1965 »

Books on the subject are FOR SALE at amazon.

If one googles "spiritual abuse" all kinds of things come up.

Saying that.

I think i personally need to go to church . :agrue:

bibleman wrote:
branham1965 wrote:You told me once there was no abusive churches.

That is completely off center.And is untrue.

Amazon has a good section on abusive churches or spiritual abuse.

bibleman wrote:
scottae316 wrote: Do I go to church, did you really ask me that? Wow. But hey, I’ll answer you, yes I do. My turn, do you show love and compassion to those in the church you pastor that don’t agree with you or have different opinions or are you sarcastic and take shots at them?
Yes, of course I show love and compassion to those in the church who disagree with me.

I don't take shots at anybody.

But For a person to say they love ice cream I would expect them to eat some every now and then.

AND the old "I been hurt by the church" argument does not get it either. People get hurt by their work and keep working, hurt by their spouses and stay married, run over by a car and keep driving, so why does that become a perfectly good excuse for not attending church. After all REAL Christians forgive and then live like it never happened

And for Christians to not go to church.... (not including the exceptions work, sickness, in jail etc.) is not acceptable when Paul commanded us to go to church in Hebrews 10:25.

The day and age we live in requires the real deal, living our lives for Jesus 100%, sold out to Him... and that includes going to Church.
No I don't believe there are any abusive churches. At least I have never attended one... ANd I did not know Amazon was a church. Now some people may have gotten their feelings hurt at church. But usually that is the problem of people not living according to the Word of the Lord.

In fact if people would Pray, Fast and live in the Word people would not have all those problems that they blame on others.

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Re: It is Sunday - Be a REAL Christian and go to Church!

Post by luchnia »

The gates of hell will not prevail against the Church, the body of Christ. What you see today has little to do with His Church. Maybe the key is to attend and plant seed of God to bring the changes back to the model that Jesus and His followers set forth. If nothing can be done wipe the dust off your feet and move on. It is a sad state when repentance and forsaking sin has to be preached within what is presumed to be a body of believers.

Remember on Paul's journeys he would often go into the cities and changed the cities from the inside out, much like a cancer. It was a brilliant strategy. The Word caused much division and some followed and some did not. Look at what is revealed to the congregations in the third chapter of Revelation. The very fact that those that do not do what HE said to do will be fighting against Him is astounding. How one can look at that and remotely allow what goes on today, is way beyond me. Maybe the answer is, they don't look at it.

Word up!
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