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Does the sun rotate about the Earth?

Post by Ironman »

Does the sun rotate about the Earth?

This comes from Malachi 4 the last chapter of the Old Testament. It would be about 400 years before God spoke to Israel through John the Baptist. Malachi 4:2

Malachi 4:2, "But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness ARISE with healing in his wings..."

Look at this again. Notice how "Sun" has a capital "S". This obviously refers to the Lord Jesus Christ. HE DID ARISE with healing in his wings. Notice how it does not say "Son", it says, "Sun". If the "sun" DOES NOT rise, does this mean that THE SON did not rise? HE DID RISE AND SO DOES SUN. IT IS NO ILLUSION. IT IS EXACTLY ACCORDING TO WHAT YOUR OWN EYEBALLS SEE EVERYDAY YOU LOOK OUTSIDE.

***What does all this mean?***

It means that once again we've been lied to. Ever heard of the "Copernican revolution?" Copernicus is the guy who came up with the "heliocentric" model that we use today--the idea that the earth revolves around the sun.

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Re: Does the sun rotate about the Earth?

Post by Ironman »

The Bible's authority is weakened by heliocentrism; stems from the firm manner in which the Bible teaches geocentricity. Geocentric verses range from those with only a positional import, such as references to "up" and "down;" through the question of just what the earth was "orbiting" the first three days while it awaited the creation of the sun; to overt references such as Ecclesiastes 1, verse 5:

"The sun also ariseth, and the sun goeth down, and hasteth to his place where he arose."

Perhaps the strongest geocentric verse in the Bible is Joshua 10:13:

"And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day."

Here the Moderator of Scripture, the Holy Ghost Himself, endorses the daily movement of the sun and moon. After all, God could just as well have written: "And the earth stopped turning, so that the sun appeared to stand still, and the moon seemed to stay ... ."

In other words, either God writes what he means and means what he writes, or else he passes off mere appearances as truths and ends up the liar. The ultimate issue is one of final authority: is the final say God's or man's? This is brought home again and again by humanists, such as the twentieth-century philosopher Bertrand Russell and astronomer Ivan King, who point to the church's abandonment of geocentricity as having "freed" man from the ancient God-centered outlook on life to the modern man-centered outlook.

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Re: Does the sun rotate about the Earth?

Post by branham1965 »

Our children see that stuff and think believers are crazy.

It is all absurd.

Haz all respect.but its nonsense.

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Re: Does the sun rotate about the Earth?

Post by Ironman »

branham1965 wrote:Our children see that stuff and think believers are crazy.

It is all absurd.

Haz all respect.but its nonsense.
No worries billy. I'm just fascinated by these things and I ask, who should I believe, God's Word or men's words. Science has done many things for man but it also covers or hides much so as to try and prove God's Word is nonsence.

They teach evolution in all the schools and universities, we believe God's Word that man was created in God's image and likeness. When I speak of this to others they laugh at me and call me an idiot! They teach the earth revolves around the sun, the Bible seems to me to say the earth is stationary and the known universe including the sun revolves around it.

I ask myself this. God says He will bring His heavenly City, New Jerusalem down to the Earth and He will live with men forever. I cannot imagine God having His Kingdom set up on a planet that sits on the outskirts of a solar system, a dot in the milky way? I would assume He would set Himself up as the center of all things, and have everything revolve around Him and His Kingdom for ever. IMO!

When I see pictures of the sky with the stars slowly turning across the sky I wonder how that can be because science says the Earth moves at about 110,000 km/h around the Sun (which is about one thousand times faster than the typical speed of a car on a highway.

Earth's average orbital speed is about 30 kilometers per second. In other units, that's about 19 miles per second, or 67,000 miles per hour, or 110,000 kilometers per hour (110 million meters per hour).

If this were true, we should not see anything but millions of streaks of light flashing across the sky, like lightening.

If the Earth is traveling around the sun at 110,000 klm's per hour, how is it I see the southern cross every night coming up in the same place and going down in the same place every night? If were traveling around the sun at that speed, we should only see it once a year.

So, what is geocentricity?

It is the belief and teaching that the earth is the center of the solar system and/or the universe.

If you just read that for the first time, it is probably hard to believe that anyone would believe such a thing!

I understand. After all, “everyone” who has attended school in the last 400 years or so has been taught that the earth is just one of several planets that go around the sun, and the sun is just a small or medium-sized star in a rather small solar system that is lost in a galaxy, off center of a vast and continually expanding universe!

And if the solar system, sun, and earth really are “not much”, if you look at things that way, how much (good or worth) is puny man?

Yes, if that was all true, what would man be? But such teaching of the miniscule, near-nothing size and importance of the earth is not true. It is a lie meant to help us feel worthless!

And that a lie devised by the devil, what?

Galatians 4: 16, Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?
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Re: Does the sun rotate about the Earth?

Post by branham1965 »

you may be right mate.i do not know.

REVEREND DAKE taught that the pre-adamite world showed that the universe may be millions of years old .i do not know.

Ironman wrote:
branham1965 wrote:Our children see that stuff and think believers are crazy.

It is all absurd.

Haz all respect.but its nonsense.
No worries billy. I'm just fascinated by these things and I ask, who should I believe, God's Word or men's words. Science has done many things for man but it also covers or hides much so as to try and prove God's Word is nonsence.

They teach evolution in all the schools and universities, we believe God's Word that man was created in God's image and likeness. When I speak of this to others they laugh at me and call me an idiot! They teach the earth revolves around the sun, the Bible seems to me to say the earth is stationary and the known universe including the sun revolves around it.

I ask myself this. God says He will bring His heavenly City, New Jerusalem down to the Earth and He will live with men forever. I cannot imagine God having His Kingdom set up on a planet that sits on the outskirts of a solar system, a dot in the milky way? I would assume He would set Himself up as the center of all things, and have everything revolve around Him and His Kingdom for ever. IMO!

When I see pictures of the sky with the stars slowly turning across the sky I wonder how that can be because science says the Earth moves at about 110,000 km/h around the Sun (which is about one thousand times faster than the typical speed of a car on a highway.

Earth's average orbital speed is about 30 kilometers per second. In other units, that's about 19 miles per second, or 67,000 miles per hour, or 110,000 kilometers per hour (110 million meters per hour).

If this were true, we should not see anything but millions of streaks of light flashing across the sky, like lightening.

If the Earth is traveling around the sun at 110,000 klm's per hour, how is it I see the southern cross every night coming up in the same place and going down in the same place every night? If were traveling around the sun at that speed, we should only see it once a year.

So, what is geocentricity?

It is the belief and teaching that the earth is the center of the solar system and/or the universe.

If you just read that for the first time, it is probably hard to believe that anyone would believe such a thing!

I understand. After all, “everyone” who has attended school in the last 400 years or so has been taught that the earth is just one of several planets that go around the sun, and the sun is just a small or medium-sized star in a rather small solar system that is lost in a galaxy, off center of a vast and continually expanding universe!

And if the solar system, sun, and earth really are “not much”, if you look at things that way, how much (good or worth) is puny man?

Yes, if that was all true, what would man be? But such teaching of the miniscule, near-nothing size and importance of the earth is not true. It is a lie meant to help us feel worthless!

And that a lie devised by the devil, what?

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Re: Does the sun rotate about the Earth?

Post by Ironman »

I believe in the pre-Adamite world billy, and its millions if not billions of years old. God hasn't been doing nothing since forever past.

This is interesting, the North star never moves from its spot. The North Star has never moved from it’s position relative to the Earth in the history of mankind, and it never will. It is always in the same spot in our sky from our perspective here on Earth.


This fact alone, forgetting the massive number of other proofs and pieces of evidence, is a “case closed” observation: the Earth does not spin on an axis… it does not orbit around a Sun that is in “outer space”… our so-called “solar system” is not hurtling through “space” and orbiting around some other body, and the North Star (as well as every other star) is itself not hurtling through space and itself orbiting around something else.

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Re: Does the sun rotate about the Earth?

Post by stand »

There are many flatearthers nowadays, but still cannot have good proofs to convince. The earthly might be spinning at great speed, but the angular speed is not much if we spin 360 degrees in 24 hours. 15 degrees in one hour, 1.25 degree in in minute. If you move your camera to one side by 1.25 degree, it does not change much. I do not believe everything in science, only in the Bible, but the Bible is obviously not books specialized in revealing these.

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Re: Does the sun rotate about the Earth?

Post by DeafManHealing »

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