Dake Bible Discussion Board*New Book* Does God Send Sickness?

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Re: *New Book* Does God Send Sickness?

Post by Ironman »

macca wrote:
Ironman wrote:I agree, but only if your a baddie :lol!:

So by your own understanding God does not curse His children or put sickness and disease on them?????? or destroy them in any way shape or form ??????
Yes, that's my understanding.

We are 'ALL' the good and the bad, His Children, and God lets it rain on the good and the bad, Matthew 5:45, That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.

BUT, in the end, here's where its important, its the non-repenting BAD, who will receive the promised punishments and curses, and the GOOD will received the promised rewards and blessings.
Speaking from my own personal experience, Much has happened to me throughout my life before I turned to God, he even saved my life many times from sudden death, and since being baptised and turning myself around I have not had one sick day, I recently had a full medical, doctor said I had the heart and health of a 20 year old, I'm in my 68th year ! :angel:

My father in law had several sever heart attacks at age 55 and was told he may die any day. Family gathered around, I payed in tears asking God to heal him. He lives today aged now, aged 86. My wife was diagnosed with cancer, I prayed asking God to heal her. Cancer gone, now this year, 5 years. My youngest daughter knew she was about to be attacked and robbed one night on her way home from work, when she heard one of the two perp's, say, "No way mate, look at the size of the bloke with her !" She told me it was late at night, and she was alone. I asked her, "If you were alone, who do you think these men saw with you my daughter.

She replied, . . . "MY ANGEL DAD."

After all God has done for me and my family over the years since conversion, If that's God cursing, putting sickness and disease and destroying His obedient children, love Him, obey Him to the best of their ability, I know I am far from perfect, and have a relationship with Him, I will have as much of this as He can give us. :angel:

Galatians 4: 16, Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?
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Re: *New Book* Does God Send Sickness?

Post by branham1965 »

You are the real deal mate.

thanks for posting these things.

Ironman wrote:
macca wrote:
Ironman wrote:I agree, but only if your a baddie :lol!:

So by your own understanding God does not curse His children or put sickness and disease on them?????? or destroy them in any way shape or form ??????
Yes, that's my understanding.

We are 'ALL' the good and the bad, His Children, and God lets it rain on the good and the bad, Matthew 5:45, That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.

BUT, in the end, here's where its important, its the non-repenting BAD, who will receive the promised punishments and curses, and the GOOD will received the promised rewards and blessings.
Speaking from my own personal experience, Much has happened to me throughout my life before I turned to God, he even saved my life many times from sudden death, and since being baptised and turning myself around I have not had one sick day, I recently had a full medical, doctor said I had the heart and health of a 20 year old, I'm in my 68th year ! :angel:

My father in law had several sever heart attacks at age 55 and was told he may die any day. Family gathered around, I payed in tears asking God to heal him. He lives today aged now, aged 86. My wife was diagnosed with cancer, I prayed asking God to heal her. Cancer gone, now this year, 5 years. My youngest daughter knew she was about to be attacked and robbed one night on her way home from work, when she heard one of the two perp's, say, "No way mate, look at the size of the bloke with her !" She told me it was late at night, and she was alone. I asked her, "If you were alone, who do you think these men saw with you my daughter.

She replied, . . . "MY ANGEL DAD."

After all God has done for me and my family over the years since conversion, If that's God cursing, putting sickness and disease and destroying His obedient children, love Him, obey Him to the best of their ability, I know I am far from perfect, and have a relationship with Him, I will have as much of this as He can give us. :angel:

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Re: *New Book* Does God Send Sickness?

Post by branham1965 »

what a wonderful glorious testimony.

we all have folks we look up to.and Haz you are one i look up to.you are a fine Christian.
i wish i understood the Scriptures like you do.and your strength and your character is so admirable to me.
i am so thrilled about your wife. :arrow:

Ironman wrote:
macca wrote:
Ironman wrote:I agree, but only if your a baddie :lol!:

So by your own understanding God does not curse His children or put sickness and disease on them?????? or destroy them in any way shape or form ??????
Yes, that's my understanding.

We are 'ALL' the good and the bad, His Children, and God lets it rain on the good and the bad, Matthew 5:45, That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.

BUT, in the end, here's where its important, its the non-repenting BAD, who will receive the promised punishments and curses, and the GOOD will received the promised rewards and blessings.
Speaking from my own personal experience, Much has happened to me throughout my life before I turned to God, he even saved my life many times from sudden death, and since being baptised and turning myself around I have not had one sick day, I recently had a full medical, doctor said I had the heart and health of a 20 year old, I'm in my 68th year ! :angel:

My father in law had several sever heart attacks at age 55 and was told he may die any day. Family gathered around, I payed in tears asking God to heal him. He lives today aged now, aged 86. My wife was diagnosed with cancer, I prayed asking God to heal her. Cancer gone, now this year, 5 years. My youngest daughter knew she was about to be attacked and robbed one night on her way home from work, when she heard one of the two perp's, say, "No way mate, look at the size of the bloke with her !" She told me it was late at night, and she was alone. I asked her, "If you were alone, who do you think these men saw with you my daughter.

She replied, . . . "MY ANGEL DAD."

After all God has done for me and my family over the years since conversion, If that's God cursing, putting sickness and disease and destroying His obedient children, love Him, obey Him to the best of their ability, I know I am far from perfect, and have a relationship with Him, I will have as much of this as He can give us. :angel:

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Re: *New Book* Does God Send Sickness?

Post by branham1965 »

i know i get a bit carried away.but...i wont go into that. :morning: :morning: :morning:

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Re: *New Book* Does God Send Sickness?

Post by Ironman »

branham1965 wrote:i know i get a bit carried away.but...i wont go into that. :morning: :morning: :morning:
Thank you for your kind words billy. I also get carried away often times too! :angel:

Galatians 4: 16, Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?
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