Dake Bible Discussion Boardonce saved always saved

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once saved always saved

Post by feltman »

does anyone have anything on this ?

Chris B

Re: once saved always saved

Post by Chris B »

Where would the need for repentance be if we were "once saved always saved?" Would this then only apply to human beings or all of creation? Satan was once in the graces of God, and if once saved always saved was implied by the Scriptures than Satan would be dancing at the marriage supper of the Lamb, and that would make God a liar, which of course is not true, as God cannot lie. That's my take anyway, primarily the evidence as suggested by the command to repent. Angels may not be treated the same as humans as we are two distinct creations, we do know in our resurrected bodies we will judge angels so there is an inference that our souls, or Spirit is something they do not possess, along with the ability to repent. I wonder too, the purpose of the Holy Spirit in our lives is to equip us, guide us, and also act as a "restrainer of lawlessness." I do not think the Holy Spirit would be held helpless by us if we continued in lawlessness, I believe the Holy Spirit would depart, turning us over to Satan, hence the exhortation to never grieve or quench the Holy Spirit. What could grieve the Holy Spirit more than a turning away. Paul also speaks of some Christians as Christians who have "fallen from grace"

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Re: once saved always saved

Post by macca »

Howdy Chris welcome aboard.
Good post

Chris B

Re: once saved always saved

Post by Chris B »

Thanks Macca! I'm thrilled to be here! This is going to be a great iron sharpening iron place!


Re: once saved always saved

Post by feltman »

Chris B wrote:Where would the need for repentance be if we were "once saved always saved?" Would this then only apply to human beings or all of creation? Satan was once in the graces of God, and if once saved always saved was implied by the Scriptures than Satan would be dancing at the marriage supper of the Lamb, and that would make God a liar, which of course is not true, as God cannot lie. That's my take anyway, primarily the evidence as suggested by the command to repent. Angels may not be treated the same as humans as we are two distinct creations, we do know in our resurrected bodies we will judge angels so there is an inference that our souls, or Spirit is something they do not possess, along with the ability to repent. I wonder too, the purpose of the Holy Spirit in our lives is to equip us, guide us, and also act as a "restrainer of lawlessness." I do not think the Holy Spirit would be held helpless by us if we continued in lawlessness, I believe the Holy Spirit would depart, turning us over to Satan, hence the exhortation to never grieve or quench the Holy Spirit. What could grieve the Holy Spirit more than a turning away. Paul also speaks of some Christians as Christians who have "fallen from grace"

Thank you Chris B, I was raised in a home were we got all when we were saved , but as i got older and really read my bible i understood there were so much more that i didnt understand . i got me a dake bible an it is so nice . i love the word of god. i love to read what others think on here im no great speller or writer . but i do love my lord jesus christ an the father . once again thank you for your comment.


Re: once saved always saved

Post by feltman »

Chris B wrote:Where would the need for repentance be if we were "once saved always saved?" Would this then only apply to human beings or all of creation? Satan was once in the graces of God, and if once saved always saved was implied by the Scriptures than Satan would be dancing at the marriage supper of the Lamb, and that would make God a liar, which of course is not true, as God cannot lie. That's my take anyway, primarily the evidence as suggested by the command to repent. Angels may not be treated the same as humans as we are two distinct creations, we do know in our resurrected bodies we will judge angels so there is an inference that our souls, or Spirit is something they do not possess, along with the ability to repent. I wonder too, the purpose of the Holy Spirit in our lives is to equip us, guide us, and also act as a "restrainer of lawlessness." I do not think the Holy Spirit would be held helpless by us if we continued in lawlessness, I believe the Holy Spirit would depart, turning us over to Satan, hence the exhortation to never grieve or quench the Holy Spirit. What could grieve the Holy Spirit more than a turning away. Paul also speaks of some Christians as Christians who have "fallen from grace"

Thank you Chris B, I was raised in a home were we got all when we were saved , but as i got older and really read my bible i understood there were so much more that i didnt understand . i got me a dake bible an it is so nice . i love the word of god. i love to read what others think on here im no great speller or writer . but i do love my lord jesus christ an the father . once again thank you for your comment.

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Re: once saved always saved

Post by Ironman »

Chris B wrote:Where would the need for repentance be if we were "once saved always saved?" Would this then only apply to human beings or all of creation? Satan was once in the graces of God, and if once saved always saved was implied by the Scriptures than Satan would be dancing at the marriage supper of the Lamb, and that would make God a liar, which of course is not true, as God cannot lie. That's my take anyway, primarily the evidence as suggested by the command to repent. Angels may not be treated the same as humans as we are two distinct creations, we do know in our resurrected bodies we will judge angels so there is an inference that our souls, or Spirit is something they do not possess, along with the ability to repent. I wonder too, the purpose of the Holy Spirit in our lives is to equip us, guide us, and also act as a "restrainer of lawlessness." I do not think the Holy Spirit would be held helpless by us if we continued in lawlessness, I believe the Holy Spirit would depart, turning us over to Satan, hence the exhortation to never grieve or quench the Holy Spirit. What could grieve the Holy Spirit more than a turning away. Paul also speaks of some Christians as Christians who have "fallen from grace"
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Re: once saved always saved

Post by davido »

That is a humans statement not scripture.
If one is a Spirit led Christian and turns to witchcraft God's
conditions are not going to hold up the human statement that
once saved always saved. I've too heard a pastor on tv years ago
that used to be a wizard and when attempting to put a curse on
a Spirit billed believer it backfired, which convinced him of God.
He then became a believer and ceased practicing Satanism.
Likewise the laying on of hands by a Christan to one whom is
of Satan can have a spiritual backfiring. One must discern the
spirits before the laying on of hands.

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Re: once saved always saved

Post by Jay »

feltman wrote:does anyone have anything on this ?
Yes, when people are saved, they are always saved, UNLESS they meet the qualifications of Heb 6 and decide to walk away from their salvation. You can't get saved more than once but it is definitely possible for some to give up their salvation.

The Bible is clear that some will BARELY make it into Heaven, even smelling like the smoke of hell. I'm sure there will be many that never were saved to begin with too like some "eternal security" believers teach.

So, REALLY, "Once Saved Always Saved" or "Eternal Security" are true IF you continue your walk with the Lord. God never changes His mind but the people mentioned in Heb 6 sure can. Those are the people that have committed the unpardonable sin and there is no more sacrifice for their sin. On the other hand, you can say that "Once Saved Always Saved" or "Eternal Security" are not true because there are scriptures that prove some can and will, lose their salvation.

If you want to know what I believe, you can read it on my website: http://www.jaymc.com/FOF/secure.htm


Hebrews 10:35-36
Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompence of reward. For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise.
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Re: once saved always saved

Post by macca »

Much along the lines that Kenneth Copeland teaches... i think

Jay wrote:
feltman wrote:does anyone have anything on this ?
Yes, when people are saved, they are always saved, UNLESS they meet the qualifications of Heb 6 and decide to walk away from their salvation. You can't get saved more than once but it is definitely possible for some to give up their salvation.

The Bible is clear that some will BARELY make it into Heaven, even smelling like the smoke of hell. I'm sure there will be many that never were saved to begin with too like some "eternal security" believers teach.

So, REALLY, "Once Saved Always Saved" or "Eternal Security" are true IF you continue your walk with the Lord. God never changes His mind but the people mentioned in Heb 6 sure can. Those are the people that have committed the unpardonable sin and there is no more sacrifice for their sin. On the other hand, you can say that "Once Saved Always Saved" or "Eternal Security" are not true because there are scriptures that prove some can and will, lose their salvation.

If you want to know what I believe, you can read it on my website: http://www.jaymc.com/FOF/secure.htm


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